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Better Salary Loan

Better Salary Loan
MAB's "Better Salary Loan" is dedicated to employees from various parts of the country who receive salary via MAB and it is eligible to apply for double the amount of their current salary. The maximum loan term is capped at 6 months.


Who can apply

Salary Earns Salary earns with MAB Payroll service at least 6 months.
Minimum Monthly Salary Minimum monthly salary must be 300,000 MMK.
Payment History Must not have any outstanding loans or debts & any negative payment history with MAB
Credit Bureau Report No default in Credit Bureau Report at MAB & other Banks

Rates and Fees

Interest Rate Interest Rate 15% p.a.
Processing fee Processing fee 10,000 MMK

Required Documents

Required Documents
  • NRC (Front & Back)
  • Household Registration
  • Employer’s Recommendation Letter


Better Salary Loan is a type of salary advance loan dedicated to employees of companies linked with MAB Payroll Service. The employees of those companies can get the loan amount up to (2) times of their current salary and the loan tenor is from 2 months to 6 months.

Better Salary Advance

Better Salary Advance

MAB’s “Better Salary Loan” is dedicated to employees from various parts of the country who receive salary via MAB and it is eligible to apply for double the amount of their current salary. The maximum loan term is capped at 6 months.